EMPLOYERS - Please print or save this page in preparation for your approval process call from the
Minnesota Works.net Help Desk staff
Requesting a new Minnesota Works.net Employer Account
You will be able to post job openings located in Minnesota and conduct resume searches
with your MinnesotaWorks.net Employer Account
To be approved for a MinnesotaWorks.net Employer account, your business must:
- Only post job openings and/or recruit for positions that are Minnesota employment
- Be ready to post a current job opening
- The job candidate will be an employee (W-2 issued)
- Minnesota unemployment tax will be paid
- Jobs need to be guaranteed minimum wage, even if commission-based
How to Obtain an Approved User Account
All applications are reviewed prior to approval:
- Help Desk staff will contact you by phone to verify contact information, current job openings and location,
and that the openings are "employment" (W-2 issued positions). Your response to this call or voicemail is needed before your account can be approved.
- Help Desk staff will request your supervisor's contact information to verify your employment, position and
authority to post jobs.
Once the approval process is completed, you will receive an email confirming your application approval, username,
and a reminder of the Terms of Use.
Passwords expire every 90 days after password creation date for security purposes. Please do not create a new registration if you are having login issues.
Use the 'Forgot username/password' link in the upper right login box to reset your password. Our staff can also
assist you. Call 651-259-7500 or dial 1-800-345-2537 from a non-metro area code telephone number.